Team Member's Previous Project Experience

Project Experience

Creative's team consist of personnel whom have wealth of experience in the precast industries. The experience stretch across both in depth and breath in areas of management, technicals, QA/QCs , logistics, costs and operations covering projects of modest to mega project scale. As to date (July, 2012), the collective team member's experience in Creative's project and previous employment's project can be summarized into the various type of precast projects/contracts as follows :

Type of precast Project/ Contract Nos of Project/Contract
1) Industrialized Building System 51
2) Architectural Precast/Fascade 5
3) Segmental Box Girder 2
4) Tunnel Lining Segment 11
5) Bridges Related Works eg.
Parapet, Beam, Deck
Underpass, Pilecap
6) Stadium 5
7) Jetty 1
8) Silo 1
9) Retaining Structure 2
  TOTAL 101



Team Member's Off-site/On-site Manufacturing Set-up Experience

In completing the above's projects, the respective team member have to carry out setting-up / modification / extension of off-site precast factory or temporary open site casting yard as follows :

Type of manufacturing facilities Nos of manufacturing facilities set-up
1) Setting-up new/major modification /extension of factory for manufacturing precast products (permanent/temporary) 18
2) Temporary site open casting yard for manufacturing precast products 17
  TOTAL 35



Team Member's Technical Know-how

The team member's experience in the various types of projects and the various types of precast products and couple with the understanding of the capability of each type of manufacturing facilities, is fully tapped and this knowledge is used to set the right project execution plan befitting the project specification, budget and schedule. Good execution plan can only be formulated from previous knowledge and experience of the team member in handling the various technicalities and its corresponding understanding of cost in achieving them, as the team member have successfully completed projects that some of them requires knowledge in high performance concrete, architectural precast finishes, very tight manufacturing tolerances, high volume manufacturing, multiple complex logistic requirement and extreme tight schedule requirement. Each project's needs is different and Creative's team is able to set the right project execution plan in consultation with the client.



Team Member Resume

If requested, Creative can extend a copy of its team members resume to the requesting party.